Hi there,
It's finally February-that time of the year that every hopeless romantic looks forward to. We thought we'd show your help desk some love with a change management module makeover.
We're excited to share that thevisual workflow builder is now available in the cloud version of ServiceDesk Plus' change management module. The drag-and-drop interface makes managing IT changes in your help desk simple and efficient.
Before you start playing around with these new enhancements to your help desk, we'd like to take the time to thank you for choosing ServiceDesk Plus. We are listed inGartner Peer Insight's Customers' Choice 2018 for the best ITSSM tools, and we couldn't have done it without customers like you. We'd appreciate it if you'd take a moment and leave a review for us on the G2 Crowd. And once your review is published, we'd love to send you an Amazon gift card worth $15 as a way of saying thanks.
We also have some great tips for your IT operations management. We've planned three seminars on March 13th in Chicago, March 15th in Los Angeles, and April 5th in Toronto to help you get started with server, network, and application management, as well as give you hands-on experience with our solutions. Did I mention these seminars are free? 
And last but not least, if you missed our free webinar on how to extend ITSM best practices to all your service functions, here's your chance towatch the video.
While we're creating new features for your help desk, let's stay in touch; follow us on .